About me


I am a recent Biochemistry graduate with industrial experience at GlaxosmithKline where I worked on developing single cell transcriptomics and metabolomics methods. I now work at AstraZeneca as a Research Scientist focused on Genome Engineering. My interests include anything related to cellular and structural biology and protein chemistry. In my spare time I enjoy programming and have applied these skills to deliver projects at work. Finally, I am always looking for new science books based on first prinicples that I hope to gain insight from.

My Aims for this website

I enjoy the struggle of learning new things, but I often find that information resources frequently scrape the surface of a topic or contain information that is useful in theory but not in practice. By documenting my learnings I aim to compile a ‘second-brain’ to refer back to on-demand. I aim to write detailed blog posts on topics that I have researched to some signifcant degree (from my naive viewpoint) and today I learned(s) (TILs). The latter will often be insights from books I’ve read. Hopefully these posts will differentiate themselves from the crowded information that is already out there.

I will aim to write accurately but can guarantee I will make mistakes. If you notice a mistake please reach out to me via my linked email.

One of my favourite quotes!

“Never let yourself be diverted, either by what you wish to believe, or what you think could have beneficent social effects if it were believed; but look only and solely at what are the facts.” ~ Bertrand Russel

Anything written here is purely my personal opinion and not reflective of my employer.